How to Setup a Conference Room for Meetings

How to Setup a Conference Room for Meetings

Meeting room formats are crucial yet often a disregarded part of the planning process. Preferably, setup design and meeting space should take into account attendees’ comfort, support the purpose of the meeting, minimize distractions and promote learning. Here are the steps that you should take in order to achieve the best conference room setup in Ottawa.
How to Setup a Conference Room for Meetings - AV Geeks

Determine objectives

Are the attendees’ of the meeting going to brainstorm with each other or are they going to take notes during the meeting? Is there a need for them to move around? These are some of the questions that will help you select the right conference room setup in Ottawa.

A basic factor to address early on is whether the meeting venue charges any additional fees for special room sets or room set changes. This is crucial information, as it can play a role in how you program your sessions. If the property normally charges for room setup changes, ensure that you add a line item in the financial plan to cover these. Additionally, you will benefit if you negotiate the fees down.

Next, get opinions from speakers at the meeting on how they would prefer to have their room set. Some hosts add rider articles in their contracts and specify detailed sets. Find out whether such requirements will add to your meeting costs.

After this, the next step is to select room sets that will best house the group and raise the objective of the session. Here are some examples of room setups based on guidelines established by the Convention Industry Council.

Hollow square

This arrangement allows for communication among attendees’ and is best for meetings devoid of presentations. In order to achieve this setup, arrange rectangular tables in a square, with chairs placed on the outer perimeter.

Theater or auditorium

This kind of setup works well for large groups where the main purpose of the session is for the attendees’ to listen to the speaker or view presentations. Theater and auditorium style rooms typically have chairs lined up in rows and a raised platform that serves as the focal point of the room.

Half Moon

This setup is fit for sessions where the audience needs to face the speaker and follow up with discussions. You will need to arrange round tables with chairs set on two-thirds of the rounds facing the podium or speaker.

Classroom or schoolroom setup

These setups are ideal for meetings where attendees’ mostly take notes and refer to other material such as laptops. This setup discourages dialogue among attendees. In order to setup this room, you should place straight tables in a row facing the speaker or focal point in the room.


This conference room setup in Ottawa requires you to position a single table with attendees seated on all four sides. This setup style is appropriate for small discussion groups or committees because this design facilitates group discussion.


To achieve this conference room setup in Ottawa, you need to arrange your chairs as a hollow square, with one side removed. The open side allows and facilitates discussions as well as presentations.

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